
Knowledgebase > Changelog – 17/05/2024

  • [FIX] PHP 8 compatibility fix – 07/05/2024

  • [FIX] Security fix – 24/04/2024

  • [FIX] Minor  bugfixes – 22/04/2024

  • [FIX] Minor  bugfixes – 01/03/2024

  • [FIX] PHP Compatibility Fix – 24/11/2023

  • [FIX] Security fix – 08/11/2023

  • [FIX] WordPress 6.4 compatibility fix – 02/06/2023

  • [IMPROVE] Update Useragent String – 30/05/2023

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes – 23/05/2023

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes – 03/04/2023

  • [FIX] PHP 8 compatibility issues – 16/12/2022

  • [FIX] Minor fixes – 02/12/2022

  • [FIX] Minor fixes – 17/08/2022

  • [FIX] Minor fixes – 25/10/2021

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [NEW] Clear Cache on Update Post by Custom Rule – 10/08/2021

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [FIX] Keep Whitelabel settings when reset settings
  • [FIX] Cache issue with non-latin URLs – 20/07/2021

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [NEW] Autocomplete for settings
  • [NEW] Lazyload Template Parts
  • [NEW] Lazyload Nav Menus

2.3.6 (beta) – 28/06/2021

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [FIX] Prebuild WooCommerce Variations when cache expired
  • [FIX] Use WebP for Youtube Smart Embed poster image
  • [IMPROVE] Load full CSS earlier to reduce CLS
  • [NEW] Smart Font Delivery

2.3.5 – 02/06/2021

  • [IMPROVE] Minor improvements
  • [IMPROVE] Ability to remove redirected URLs from Warmup table
  • [IMPROVE] Error logging for server side scripts (beta) – 31/05/2021

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [FIX] Page specific rules issue
  • [NEW] Lazyload Elementor Widgets
  • [NEW] Preprocess Javascript – 20/05/2021

  • [FIX] Minor fixes

2.3.4 (beta) – 14/05/2021

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [FIX] Compatibility issues with Divi and Avada
  • [FIX] Lazyload filter 3rd party compatibility issues
  • [IMPROVE] Auto Preload Fonts
  • [IMPROVE] Smart Render HTML
  • [NEW] Smart Lazyload for Images/Iframes
  • [NEW] Smart Async Script Delivery
  • [NEW] Page Specific Rules

2.3.3 – 28/04/2021

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [IMPROVE] Clear opcache
  • [NEW] Server Side Script
  • [NEW] Smart Render HTML

2.3.2 (beta) – 13/04/2021

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [FIX] Prebuild Booster
  • [IMPROVE] Cloudflare Auth Token support added
  • [IMPROVE] URLs per pages option for Warmup table
  • [IMPROVE] Preload images from CSS
  • [NEW] Ajaxify Checkout – 24/03/2021

  • [FIX] Keep original headers 500 Error

2.3.1 – 22/03/2021

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [IMPROVE] Minor refactor file structure

2.3 (beta)– 17/03/2021

  • [IMPROVE] Minor improvements
  • [IMPROVE] Dynamic and AJAX caching
  • [IMPROVE] Determine home path
  • [IMPROVE] Displaying cache size
  • [IMPROVE] Logging
  • [IMPROVE] Template dir filter
  • [IMPROVE] Nonce management
  • [IMPROVE] License management
  • [IMPROVE] Suggest lazyload scripts with Autoconfig
  • [FIX] Prevent empty admin notices
  • [FIX] Prevent sitemaps being cached
  • [FIX] CSSMin PHP8 compatibility
  • [FIX] Invalid URLs in Warmup table
  • [FIX] Twitter card issues with Avoid Mixed content
  • [FIX] Font-display:swap applied to inline CSS
  • [NEW] WooCommerce Variation cache prebuild
  • [NEW] Fix missing image dimensions
  • [NEW] Block scripts
  • [NEW] Reset fields to default individually
  • [NEW] Preload Images

2.2.3 – 25/01/2021

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [IMPROVE] Dynamic and AJAX cache management
  • [IMPROVE] Ability to disable toolbar menu
  • [IMPROVE] Lazyload elements features
  • [IMPROVE] Handle 404 pages
  • [IMPROVE] Compatibility improvements

2.2.2 – 30/09/2020

  • [FIX] Apply exclusions for sitemap based warmup table
  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [FIX] Disable image lazyload for data URLs
  • [IMPROVE] Autoptimze compatibility improvements
  • [IMPROVE] Increase max URL length in Warmup table
  • [NEW] Custom footer javascript

2.2.1 – 07/08/2020

  • [FIX] Apply exclusions for sitemap based warmup table
  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [IMPROVE] Critical CSS
  • [IMPROVE] Exclude images with parent’s classname from lazyloading
  • [IMPROVE] Remote Prebuild
  • [NEW] Low quality lazyload images
  • [NEW] Delay Async Scripts
  • [DEPRICATED] Critical Font

2.2 (beta) – 17/07/2020

  • [IMPROVE] Critical CSS
  • [IMPROVE] Exclude images with parent’s classname from lazyloading
  • [IMPROVE] Remote Prebuild
  • [IMPROVE] Minor improvements
  • [NEW] Delay Async Scripts
  • [DEPRICATED] Critical Font

2.1.9 – 22/06/2020

  • [FIX] Image Optimizer table layout fix for Safari
  • [FIX] CSS minify issues with SVG images
  • [FIX] Server Push use CDN URL
  • [IMPROVE] Minor improvements
  • [IMPROVE] Force GET request for WooCommerce Minicart
  • [NEW] Short Lifespan Pages (beta) – 06/06/2020

  • [FIX] Pages lost prebuild priority

2.1.8 – 30/05/2020

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [IMPROVE] Configure Warmup Priority
  • [IMPROVE] Use Prebuild booster memcached support

2.1.7 (beta) – 10/05/2020

  • [FIX] Search in Warmup Table
  • [FIX] Preload Scripts & Preload Styles bug
  • [IMPROVE] Runcache support
  • [IMPROVE] WSA cache support
  • [IMPROVE] Live status in Warmup Table
  • [IMPROVE] Prevent double GZIP issues
  • [IMPROVE] Minor Improvements
  • [IMPROVE] Compatibility Improvements
  • [IMPROVE] Lazyload WebP Background Image
  • [IMPROVE] Exclude Image from WebP if WebP version is larger than original
  • [NEW] Defer Scripts Feature
  • [DEPRECATED] Remove Appcache
  • [DEPRECATED] Remove Ignore Query String (beta) – 15/02/2020

    • [FIX] Minor fixes
    • [FIX] Local font error

2.1.6 – 27/01/2020

    • [FIX] Minor fixes
    • [FIX] Non-latin URL issues
    • [FIX] AMP AJAXIFY conflicts
    • [IMPROVE] Custom roles clear cache ability
    • [IMPROVE] Custom source for Warmup table (list, custom pages, use sitemap)
    • [IMPROVE] Multi thread prebuild
    • [IMPROVE] Lazyload Elementor background Youtube video
    • [IMPROVE] Exclude Image/Iframe lazyload by CSS classname
    • [IMPROVE] Custom preload point for lazyload
    • [IMPROVE] Optional clear cache after updater process finished
    • [NEW] Nginx helper support

2.1.5 (beta) – 28/11/2019

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [FIX] Whitelabel styling issues
  • [IMPROVE] New filters added
  • [IMPROVE] Image Optimize Image Scanning
  • [IMPROVE] Debug API connection issues
  • [IMPROVE] Improve Ignore Query String feature
  • [NEW] Proxy Cache Only mode
  • [NEW] Custom Purge
  • [NEW] Preload Scripts & Styles
  • [NEW] Extra CSS
  • [NEW] Use local fonts feature
  • [NEW] Preload Fonts

2.1.4 – 28/09/2019

  • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes
  • [FIX] Image Optimizer stuck queue issue
  • [IMPROVE] Flying Pages compatibility

2.1.3 – 19/09/2019

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [IMPROVE] Improve compatibility with visual builders
  • [IMPROVE] Lazyload with WebP
  • [IMPROVE] New Frontpage rule for Plugin Organizer
  • [NEW] WebP support for background images
  • [NEW] Exceptions for Keep Original Headers feature

2.1.2 (beta) – 24/08/2019

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [FIX] Admin notices styling issues
  • [IMPROVE] API connection switched to HTTPS
  • [NEW] Force Swap Font Display
  • [NEW] New option to disable admin notices
  • [NEW] Viewport based Critical CSS

2.1.1 – 02/08/2019

  • [FIX] Minor Fixes
  • [FIX] Whitelabel Fix

2.1 (beta)– 01/08/2019

  • [FIX] Clear Product cache if stock changed
  • [FIX] Don’t cache 403 pages
  • [FIX] CDN URLs for Server push
  • [IMPROVE] Design & Layout changes
  • [NEW] Bypass cache by cookie

2.0.21 (beta)– 22/05/2019

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [FIX] Clear category cache on product update
  • [IMPROVE] Prebuild booster can be disabled
  • [NEW] WebP support
  • [NEW] Limit WP Cron

2.0.20 (beta)– 23/04/2019

  • [IMPROVE] Send headers

2.0.19 (beta)– 19/04/2019

  • [FIX] Minor Whitelabel issues
  • [FIX] Fatal error on deactivation

2.0.18 (beta)– 16/04/2019

  • [FIX] Minor Whitelabel issues

2.0.17 (beta)– 17/03/2019

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [FIX] Ajaxify issues when Async Execute was enabled
  • [FIX] Measure max timeout on Setup
  • [FIX] Google Analytics Bypass issues with latest analytics.js

2.0.16 (beta)– 02/03/2019

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [IMPROVE] WooCommerce scheduled sales compatibility

2.0.15 – 10/02/2019

  • [FIX] WP Staging conflict

2.0.14 (beta)– 03/02/2019

  • [FIX] Non-latin characters in URL issues
  • [FIX] Minor Layout fixes
  • [FIX] Youtube Smart Embed Mobile and sizing issues
  • [NEW] Lazyload background images

2.0.13 (beta)– 26/01/2019

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [FIX] Preview missing options
  • [IMPROVE] WooCommerce Geolocation compatibility
  • [IMPROVE] Archive & Category Prebuild
  • [IMPROVE] Varnish & Cloudflare compatibility
  • [IMPROVE] Override Cloudflare Host (useful for subdomains)
  • [NEW] Load WooCommerce Price via AJAX
  • [NEW] Smart Assets Loading for Contact Form 7
  • [NEW] Transparent placeholder option for Lazyload Images
  • [NEW] Disable jQuery Migrate option

2.0.12 (beta)– 20/01/2019

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [FIX] Elementor editor issue
  • [FIX] WP Engine CSS/JS path issue
  • [FIX] Critical CSS FUOC issues in rare cases

2.0.11– 16/01/2019

  • [FIX] XML-RPC issue

2.0.10– 14/01/2019

  • [FIX] Cookie issues with Keep original headers feature
  • [FIX] Prebuild issues with self-signed SSL certificate
  • [IMPROVE] Autoconfig 3rd party cache detection
  • [IMPROVE] Ignore fbclid and glcid in query string
  • [IMPROVE] Better clean up prebuild cronjobs on deactivation

2.0.9 – 11/01/2019

  • [FIX] Headers already sent issue

2.0.8 – 09/01/2019

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [FIX] WP CLI issues
  • [IMPROVE] New constant for Warmup Table limit
  • [IMPROVE] POT file updated
  • [NEW] Proxy Cache

2.0.7 – 15/12/2018

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [IMPROVE] WPML links in Warmup Table
  • [IMPROVE] Keep settings on deactivation (remove only on uninstall)
  • [NEW] Youtube Smart Loader – speed up pageload with embedded videos

2.0.6 – 12/12/2018

  • [FIX] PHP 7.3 compatibility issues
  • [FIX] Minor fixes

2.0.5 – 11/12/2018

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [IMPROVE] Optional cache clearing after activate/deactivate plugin
  • [IMPROVE] Building warmup table for large sites behind reverse proxy

2.0.4 – 4/12/2018

  • [FIX ] WP Engine and SG cache compatibility issues

2.0.3 – 3/12/2018

  • [FIX ] Unwanted escaping data on save settings

2.0.2 – 3/12/2018

  • [FIX ] Minor fixes

2.0.1 – 2/12/2018

  • [FIX ] Minor fixes

2.0 – 25/11/2018

  • [FIX ] WP_CLI notices
  • [FIX] Early loader path issues
  • [FIX] Empty minicart browser cache issues
  • [FIX] Issue with URLs which contains ~
  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [IMPROVE] Whitelabel configuration
  • [IMPROVE] Setup Wizard
  • [IMPROVE] Configuration
  • [IMPROVE] Properly hide password fields in settings
  • [IMPROVE] New filters added
  • [IMPROVE] Custom file extensions for CDN
  • [NEW] Preview changes before save
  • [NEW] Basic WP_CLI support
  • [NEW] Keep original headers option
  • [NEW] Ajaxify: Lazyload for content parts (beta) – 16/09/2018

  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [IMPROVE] Limit prebuild speed for limited hostings (decrease CPU avarage usage)
  • [IMPROVE] Clear cache admin bar buttons for editors
  • [IMPROVE] 3rd party compatibility (Beaver Builder)
  • [IMPROVE] Clear cache after theme/plugin/core update and when pending comment was approved (beta) – 4/07/2018

  • [FIX] run CDN manager on ajax requests
  • [FIX] fix ABSPATH issues on Pressable with image optimizer
  • [IMPROVE] improve filters for Swift_Performance::get_option
  • [IMPROVE] discover pages
  • [IMPROVE] Optimize prebuild
  • [NEW] Server Push

1.8.5 – 25/06/2018

  • [FIX] Whitelabel fixes
  • [FIX] Warmup Table cache status
  • [FIX] Fatal error if CSS minify disabled
  • [FIX] Update metadata when image was resized
  • [IMPROVE] Optimize Warmup Table on Dashboard
  • [IMPROVE] Minor improvements
  • [IMPROVE] WPML Multi-domains handling
  • [NEW] Beta Tester option

1.8.4 – 11/06/2018

  • [FIX] Clear cache issue after update post

1.8.3 – 11/06/2018

  • [FIX] Cache Status table issues
  • [FIX] Image Optimizer Resize
  • [FIX] Wrong version number after upgrade
  • [IMPROVE] Minor improvements
  • [IMPROVE] CSS minify
  • [IMPROVE] CDN manager

1.8.2 – 22/05/2018

  • [FIX] Early loader fix
  • [IMPROVE] Auto configure

1.8.1 – 21/05/2018

  • [FIX] Typo fix
  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [IMPROVE] Prebuild cache
  • [IMPROVE] Auto configurator

1.8 – 18/05/2018

  • [FIX] Missing homepage cache
  • [FIX] Remove settings from Customizer
  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [IMPROVE] Setup Wizard
  • [IMPROVE] Prebuild & Warmup table
  • [IMPROVE] Minor improvements
  • [IMPROVE] Background requests
  • [NEW] Auto-configuration
  • [NEW] Exclude archive/author/feed/REST requests

1.7.1 – 02/05/2018

  • Increase version number because WP Repo bug – 02/05/2018

  • [FIX] Backend JS error

1.7 – 02/05/2018

  • [FIX] False positive error message on update when Whitelabel is enabled
  • [FIX] Force SSL/www-non www Redirect issues
  • [FIX] Use local time and localized format for timestamps
  • [FIX] Missing Warmup Table issue
  • [FIX] Elementor Editor conflict
  • [IMPROVE] Setup/Uninstall
  • [IMPROVE] Prompt alert before clearing cache on Settings panel
  • [IMPROVE] Clearing Dynamic cache
  • [IMPROVE] Speed up and decrase CPU usage for prebuild process
  • [IMPROVE] Minor improvements
  • [IMPROVE] Lazyload images (don’t load invisible images)
  • [IMPROVE] Domain mapping compatibility
  • [IMPROVE] Speed up plugin dashboard
  • [NEW] Developer Mode (Bypass cache while dev mode is active)
  • [NEW] Ability to change lazyload thumbnail size
  • [NEW] WooCommerce session cache for Cart/Checkout page

1.6.8 – 17/04/2018

  • [NEW] Block plugin cookies on frontend
  • [NEW] Subcache option
  • [NEW] WooCommerce Geo IP cache
  • [NEW] Clear cache by URL on publish/update post
  • [NEW] Case insensitive cache
  • [IMPROVE] Anonymize IP for Google Analytics Bypass
  • [IMPROVE] Uninstall cleanup (logs, post meta fields)
  • [IMPROVE] Setup Wizard 3rd party compatibility
  • [IMPROVE] Normalize font URIs
  • [IMPROVE] Clear user cache when user was deleted – 06/04/2018

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes – 03/04/2018

  • [FIX] subfolder installation issues
  • [FIX] missing font issues
  • [FIX] Image optimizer timeout issues behind reverse proxy
  • [IMPROVE] DB cleanup on uninstall
  • [IMPROVE] Include styles
  • [IMPROVE] Fallback transparent 1×1 GIF if lazyload image is not available

1.6.6 – 30/03/2018

  • [IMPROVE] Critical CSS
  • [FIX] EWWW Image Optimizer compatibility
  • [FIX] Polylang compatibility
  • [FIX] Add prefix for DOM parser constants

1.6.5 – 24/03/2018

  • [FIX] Social links in Setup Wizard
  • [FIX] CSS realpath
  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [IMPROVE] Whitelabel
  • [IMPROVE] Speed up creating Warmup & Image optimizer table
  • [IMPROVE] Purchase key field
  • [NEW] Exclude inline styles
  • [NEW] New action hooks

1.6.4 – 11/03/2018

  • [FIX] Warmup table cache status
  • [IMPROVE] Exclude users from Google Analytics statistics based on user role
  • [IMPROVE] Whitelabel options
  • [IMPROVE] Prebuild cache
  • [IMPROVE] Feed cache
  • [IMPROVE] Critical CSS
  • [IMPROVE] Merge JS
  • [NEW] Background Requests – 03/03/2018

  • [FIX] CSS realpath fix

1.6.3 – 03/03/2018

  • [NEW] Include Scripts
  • [NEW] Shared logged in cache
  • [NEW] Optimize WooCommerce get refresh fragments
  • [IMPROVE] Plugin organizer is_mobile/is_desktop rules
  • [IMPROVE] Include Styles
  • [IMPROVE] Gravatar Cache
  • [FIX] WP Engine Object cache compatibility
  • [FIX] @import issues

1.6.2 – 05/02/2018

  • [IMPROVE] Multisite Compatibility

1.6.1 – 22/01/2018

  • [FIX] Image upload error

1.6 – 20/01/2018

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [IMPROVE] Deactivate/uninstall handling
  • [IMPROVE] Image optimizer
  • [IMPROVE] Speed and memory usage optimization on backend
  • [NEW] Gravatar cache

1.5 – 30/11/2017

  • [FIX] AJAX cache size
  • [FIX] Dynamic cache size
  • [FIX] Minor fixes
  • [IMPROVE] Schedule Database Optimizer
  • [NEW] Plugin Organizer

1.4.2 – 18/11/2017

  • [FIX] dbDelta error

1.4.1 – 18/11/2017

  • [IMPROVE] Thread management
  • [IMPROVE] AJAX & Dynamic caching
  • [IMPROVE] Minor improvements
  • [IMPROVE] CSS/JS merging

1.4 – 12/11/2017

  • [FIX] Ajax cache issues
  • [FIX] Winodws server compability issues
  • [FIX] Minor issues with Image optimizer
  • [IMPROVE] Critical Fonts
  • [IMPROVE] Logging
  • [IMPROVE] Thread management
  • [IMPROVE] Lazyload
  • [IMPROVE] Add ability to keep cache when change settings
  • [NEW] warmup management

1.3 – 24/10/2017

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [FIX] Missing CSS bug
  • [IMPROVE] Duplicated meta optimizer
  • [NEW] Critical Font

1.2.6 – 19/10/2017

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [IMPROVE] Whitelabel
  • [IMPROVE] Prebuild Cache
  • [IMPROVE] Setup Wizard
  • [IMPROVE] Critical CSS
  • [IMPROVE] WooCommerce Support
  • [NEW] Extra Critical CSS
  • [NEW] Disable Full CSS
  • [NEW] Database Optimizer

1.2.5 – 05/10/2017

  • [FIX] Minor issues
  • [FIX] Bypass Import
  • [IMPROVE] GoDaddy Cache support
  • [NEW] Appcache
  • [NEW] Remote Cron

1.2.4 – 27/09/2017

  • [FIX] Minor issues
  • [IMPROVE] Async script execute

1.2.3 – 24/09/2017

  • [FIX] Backend slowdown fixed (caused in v1.2.2)
  • [IMPROVE] Async script execute
  • [NEW] Whitelabel
  • [NEW] Lazyload IFRAME

1.2.2 – 20/09/2017

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [FIX] CDN manager issue fix
  • [FIX] PHP 5.3.x compatibility
  • [FIX] REST API cache
  • [FIX] Avoid PHP warning if set_time_limit is disabled on the server
  • [FIX] Memcached cache status fix
  • [IMPROVE] single post clear cache
  • [IMPROVE] Image Optimizer
  • [IMPROVE] Setup Wizard
  • [IMPROVE] Stop prebuild cache on 500, 502, 503, 504, 508 errors
  • [IMPROVE] JS delivery
  • [NEW] Delay GA collect events
  • [NEW] Invalidate predefined cached pages after publish/update new post

1.2 – 03/09/2017

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [IMPROVE] Backend Layout
  • [NEW] Javascript minify API
  • [NEW] Google Analytics Bypass
  • [NEW] Lazy Load Javascript
  • [NEW] Heartbeat control – 25/08/2017

  • [FIX] Early loader fix

1.1.9 – 24/08/2017

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes

1.1.7 – 18/07/2017

  • [NEW] Include styles manually
  • [NEW] Early loader
  • [NEW] Lossy Image Optimizer
  • [IMPROVE] Prevent loading manually included CSS via javascript
  • FIX redux select2 issue

1.1.6 – 25/06/2017

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [IMPROVE] Setup Wizard
  • [NEW] Limit simultaneous threads for shared hosting – 12/06/2017

  • [FIX] Setup Wizard styling issues

1.1.5 – 12/06/2017

  • [NEW] Setup Wizard
  • [FIX] Prebuild cache
  • [FIX] AMP conflict
  • [FIX] CDN CORS issues

1.1.4 – 28/05/2017

  • [FIX] CDN issue on SSL
  • [FIX] Image Optimizer on specific page
  • [FIX] Force Meta charset in cached content
  • [IMPROVE] Compatibility with 3rd party plugins/themes
  • [IMPROVE] DNS Prefetch
  • [NEW] Disable Emojis

1.1.3 – 10/05/2017

  • [FIX] Critical CSS (remove unused icons)
  • [FIX] Google Font font format issue
  • [FIX] I18n issues
  • [FIX] Swift Security conflict
  • [IMPROVE] Prioritize visible content
  • [IMPROVE] 404&Feed cache
  • [NEW] DNS Prefetch

1.1.2 – 29/04/2017

  • [FIX] Prebuild cache timeout issues
  • [FIX] Jetpack conflict
  • [FIX] Compress CSS
  • [FIX] IE11 issues
  • [IMPROVE] Clear cache on user action
  • [NEW] Cache status
  • [NEW] Exclude content part
  • [NEW] New action hooks

1.1 – 23/04/2017

  • [FIX] Nginx gzip types
  • [IMPROVE] Compute API
  • [IMPROVE] Cache expiry Control
  • [IMPROVE] prebuild cache
  • [IMPROVE] block crawlers
  • [IMPROVE] script merge
  • [NEW] Disable instant Reload
  • [NEW] Exclude images from being embedded
  • [NEW] Force responsive images

1.0.5 – 15/04/2017

  • [IMPROVE] Critical CSS
  • [NEW] inline small images
  • [NEW] Exclude Bots
  • [NEW] Exclude by user agent
  • [FIX] Default excluded pages
  • [FIX] WPML issues

1.0.4 – 15/04/2017

  • [FIX] Blank page issue fix
  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [IMPROVE] Merge “screen” CSS as well
  • [IMPROVE] Lazyload on user interaction option added
  • [IMPROVE] Automated prebuild cache option added
  • [NEW] Minify HTML
  • [NEW] Cache 404 Pages

1.0.3 – 12/04/2017

  • Minor bugfixes
  • Compress CSS
  • Compute API

1.0 – 08/04/2017

  • Initial release