Swift Performance adds an extra header an HTML comment at the end of the source, which represents the cache status for the request.

Optionally you can remove these if you enable Hide Footprints in General Settings.

If you enable Whitelabel and save settings, Whitelabel options will be hidden on the settings page. You can temporary disable Whitelabel if you add a constant to wp-config.php:



If you activate Whitelabel you can completely rebrand Swift Performance.


Plugin Name
You can change plugin name here. Swift will override the plugin name in the plugin files, so even if you disable the plugin it will keep its new name


Plugin Slug
You can change the plugin slug here. By default it is swift-performance, it used for example for the settings page URL


Cache Basedir
By default Swift Performance will use wp-content/cache/swift-performance/ for cache directory. You can rename the swift-performance part here


Table Prefix
Swift Performance will create swift_performance_warmup and swift_performance_image_optimizer tables in the database. Here you can change the swift_performance part. Note: if you have issues with caching after you changed the database prefix, it is recommended to reinstall the plugin.


Plugin desc
You can change the plugin description here.


Plugin Author
With this option you can change the plugin author


Plugin Site
With this option you can change the plugin site


Plugin Author URI
With this option you can change the plugin Author URI